Which Social Media Channels Are Right For Your Business?
With a myriad of social media networks available today, how do you determine which ones are right for your business? While Facebook,...

Five Ways To Pay It Forward This Holiday
While paying it forward (helping someone else instead of paying a favor back) should be something we do all year long, the holiday season...

How To Revive The Lost Art Of Connecting
In this social media world, where your best friend is just a private message away, we have somehow lost the ability to truly connect....

The Dangers Of Oversharing: The Internet Is FOREVER!
The lovely lady in the top row, two in from the left is my mother. She's now 88 years old. This was her High School yearbook photo in...

Beware The Nextperts: The Next Generation Of Social Media Experts
Up front I should tell you. I'm a Baby Boomer. Born in 1959. I have been working in social media marketing for the past ten years. Of...

The Power Of Humble Confidence
As the host of LinkedConversations - a podcast covering all things LinkedIn - I have the opportunity to interview a variety of guests -...

Jimmy Fallon Is A Social Media Genius - AND A Nice Guy!
I have long been a fan of good, smart television. I love when someone comes in and interrupts the status quo and tries something...

You Have To Do These 3 Things On LinkedIn Right Away
Recently, I was a part of a video conference on Using LinkedIn for Business and was asked this question. "What are the three things I...

3 Things I Learned About Marketing From Bon Jovi
While I have enjoyed Jon Bon Jovi and his music (mainly thanks to my wife), I have never been a diehard fan. But after I had a chance to...

Top 3 Tips For Using LinkedIn For Small Businesses
With more than 300 million members and 187 million unique page views per month, LinkedIn is the number one social media platform for...