3 Keys To Success & Happiness
Want success? Help others succeed. Want happiness? Make others smile. Want to give back? Pay it Forward. I recently posted this on...

The Two Most Important Words In Social Media
Today, April 20th, is my birthday. I woke up to a flurry of messages both on LinkedIn and Facebook, wishing me a Happy Birthday. Some...

The Top 3 Reasons I Use LinkedIn: Animated
This new animation video explains why I use LinkedIn for Business. Want to get the most out of LinkedIn for your business? Contact me to...

My Biggest Pay It Forward Challenge To Date
As originally published on CommPRO.biz As a marketing communications professional and social media maven, I work with clients on a...

If You Don't Ask, The Answer Is Always No!
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward you're...

3 Reasons Why LinkedIn Is A Killer Content Platform
As of today, all LinkedIn members - that's more than 330 million people worldwide - are LinkedIn publishers. They have the ability to...

Beware The Nextperts: The Next Generation Of Social Media Experts
Full disclosure here: I'm a Baby Boomer. Born in 1959. I have been working in social media marketing for eleven years. Of course back in...

3 Leadership Lessons From Super Bowl 2015
Up front know that I am a diehard Seattle Seahawks fan. And do note that I'm not interested in debating football games or who coached...

5 Reasons I Use LinkedIn Every Day
I have been a LinkedIn member since 2004, when I had 37 direct connections. Since that time I've built up my network to more than 14,000...

The Power Of Belief
"You have the belief these guys have in one another, there is nothing you can't do." - Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll I am a...